Family Life
National Week for Life and the Family
The National Week for Life and the Family (NWLF) this year is, May 7th to May 14th, 2023.
In Manitoba, the NWLF involves a tri-diocesan effort (Archeparchy of Winnipeg, the Archdiocese of St. Boniface and the Archdiocese of Winnipeg). The theme this year is:
Grandparents and the Elderly: A Legacy to Cherish.
Our theme follows the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops scriptural focus for the NWLF,
"Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another." John 13:34
The Archbishops of Winnipeg are asking each parish to celebrate "Grandparents and the Elderly" within our families, communities, and parishes. We invite you to join us in marking this momentous year by celebrating the experience and wisdom of the elderly and their important role in passing on and preserving the Catholic faith through generations.
We encourage parishes to consider various ways to honour grandparents and the elderly, during the National Week and beyond, acknowledging elders in our families, those who have passed on, and those who take on an important spiritual role in our parishes and families. Parishes may do this in several ways, including, offering a special Divine Liturgy for grandparents and the elderly, hosting a grandparent appreciation dinner with the youth in your parish, or by inviting parishioners to submit creative projects (in the form of poems, artwork, music, etc.) to be displayed on our Tridiocesan website:
Please visit where you may find simple guidelines, templates and some at-home resources on how to celebrate our grandparents and the elderly this year. You may also view the printable PDF document and poster designs.
Additionally, the MARCH FOR LIFE 2023 this year will be on Thursday May 11. Further information regarding this event will be found on each Archdiocesan website closer to this date.
Thank-you for your anticipated promotion of the National Week for Life and the Family in your parishes.
For any questions or comments, please email:
Explore the many resources offered by the
Catholic Health Association of Manitoba by clicking on on the Logo here below!
Catholic Organization for Life and the Family

Website: COLF launches new Website - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (
Serena Manitoba
Natural Family Planning classes are readily available throughout the summer months and beyond. Quality instruction by accredited teacher-couples is being offered on the regular base. Volunteers are also available to present information about Natural Family Planning and the services of Serena Manitoba to Marriage Preparation classes, youth groups, clergy groups, etc. Contact us at 204-783-0091, toll-free at 1-866-317-5362, or