October 14, 2019

"And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every infirmity. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into his harvest."

(Matthew 9:35-38)


Canada's Seminary for the training of future priests to serve among the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in this country is located in the city of Edmonton. Holy Spirit Seminary has recently issued a poster with the seminarians presently enrolled in their program that includes the bilingual text of a prayer. We are all asked and encouraged to pray for them regularly. We must also remember that there are other candidates for eventual ordained ministry that we should keep in our prayer at all times. There are men that attend our own parishes and they are wondering if the Lord may be calling them to serve as deacons or priests. There are those that have completed their studies and training and are now preparing for ordination - two such individuals are Subdeacon Walter Dudych and candidate Jay Korban. Jay will be ordained (поставлений) to the subdiaconate at St. Michael's church in Transcona on November 10th.

Pray for all those considering serving in the Archeparchy of Winnipeg as priests and deacons! ... those that are invited from other eparchies... those now in training... those preparing for ordination, and... those that might think about it if someone [you?] suggested it to them...




Lord, O Lord, look down from heaven and visit the vineyard which was planted by Your hand. May Your all-powerful hand be always on this people which You have loved. Give it, Eternal God, in every generation, until the end of the world, holy bishops and priests, filled with Your Spirit - pastors and teachers of Your law, who would be able unchanging to keep the truth of Your holy revelation and with love to teach and to lead this great people. Grant to the Ukrainian clergy the grace to be never afraid of sacrifice, where the only matter is Your glory and the good of this people. Set on fire in the hearts of Ukrainian priests the spirit of zealousness for the salvation of souls. Open before their eyes the wisdom of Your revelation and give them high feeling for the holiness of those things to which you called them. Bless their work and their intentions. Protect them from every misfortune. And unite them with Your blessings, so that in love they be one - as you, Father with Your Son and the Son with You. Amen.

"Молитва про добрих священиків"

Господи, Господи, поглянь з неба, подивись і відвідай виноградник, який насадила правиця Твоя. Нехай всемогутня Твоя Рука буде завжди над цим народом, що його Ти полюбив. Дай йому, Предвічний Боже, у кожному поколінні, аж до кінця світу, єпископів і священиків святих, повних Твого Духа, - пастирів й учителів Твого Закону, що вміли б незмінно зберігати правду Твого святого Об'явлення та з любов'ю навчати й вести цей великий нарід. Даруй Твоєму духовенству ласку ніколи не боятися пожертвування, де тільки йде про Твою славу й добро цього народу. Розпали в серцях Твоїх священиків духа ревности про спасіння душ. Відкрий перед їхніми очима премудрість Твого Об'явлення і дай їм високе почуття святости того діла, до якого Ти їх покликав. Благослови їхню працю і їхні наміри. Хорони від усякого лиха. І єднай їх Твоєю благодаттю, щоб любов'ю були одно, - як Ти, Отче, зі Сином і Син з Тобою. Амінь.

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