June 19, 2017
Members of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of the Resurrection in Dauphin, gathered for their annual spring/summer barbecue wind up on Thursday June 15.
This year's gathering celebrated with a special theme, Canada 150. There was a sea of red and white throughout the auditorium as many put on the colours to salute our national flag.
Music and song greeted the people as they entered and signed the special guest book to record the names of those present at this celebration of Canada's birthday. Following the dinner, both children and adults filled out questionnaires at their tables to show how much they knew about the past and present of their wonderful country. After the quiz, all present stood and their voices rang out in pride as they sang the National Anthem, O Canada.
Submitted by: Fr. Oleg Bodnarski
Pastor & Dean of Dauphin Deanery