October 7, 2024

The annual clergy retreat, took place this year from September 30 to October 4. It was a much-anticipated event, marked by its location on the serene Hecla Island and led by the retreat master, Fr. John Sianchuk, CSsR. Over the course of four days, 21 archeparchial priests, including our Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak and Bishop Andriy Rabiy, three religious, and one seminarian gathered together in an atmosphere of deep reflection, prayer, and brotherhood.

Hecla Island, located in the heart of Lake Winnipeg, is known for its natural beauty and tranquility. The island's quiet charm and natural beauty greatly contributed to the spirit of the retreat.

This year retreat master Fr. John Sianchuk, member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists Fathers), led this year's retreat with a profound sense of spirituality, wisdom, and pastoral sensitivity. His sessions were both contemplative and instructive, guiding the participants through a variety of spiritual reflections on the scriptures, and teaching of the Fathers of the Church.

Throughout the retreat, Fr. Sianchuk drew on the rich spiritual traditions of the Eastern Church, weaving together reflections on the Gospels with insights from Church Fathers, Saints, Mystics and personal experience. His teachings encouraged the clergy to consider their own spiritual wellbeing and relationship with God, reminding them that their ability to minister effectively depends on their own prayer life. He emphasized the importance of a deep connection with Christ in their vocation, urging them to find their strength and renewal in the sacraments.

The retreat schedule was carefully designed to create an environment of prayer and reflection, with a balance of communal worship and personal time for contemplation. The day began with First Hour, followed by breakfast and first sessions with the retreat master. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated daily, providing the clergy with the spiritual nourishment.

The Vespers and reflections closed each day, offering a time for the participants to reflect on the day's teachings and their own spiritual journey. Moleben to the Most Holy Mother of God and Moleben to the Blessed Nikita Budka were part of the evening prayers.

While the retreat was primarily a time for individual reflection, it was also a nice opportunity for the clergy to come together as a community. Meals were shared in a communal setting, providing a relaxed environment where the participants could share stories, experiences, and spiritual insights.

Many of the priests expressed how much they valued the sense of brotherhood that the retreat fostered. Everyone was able to discuss both the joys and the struggles of their ministry with fellow clergy members in a supportive setting.

As the retreat came to a close on October 4, the participants returned to their parishes renewed in spirit and faith. The time spent in prayer and meditation, the guidance of Fr. John Sianchuk, and the fellowship shared with one another equipped the clergy to return to their ministry with a renewed sense of purpose and energy.

This year's retreat was not only a time of spiritual nourishment but also a testament to the enduring bond of brotherhood among the clergy. As they left Hecla Island and returned to their various parishes, they carried with them the lessons, prayers, and support that will sustain them in their ministry ahead.

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