August 8, 2024

During the first two weeks of July, I had the opportunity to attend Ukrainian Park Camp as both a camper and a Counsellor in Training. My experience at Ukrainian Park Camp was incredibly enriching and memorable. I had the chance to participate in a wide range of activities. From outdoor activities like kayaking and different kinds of sports to engaging in team and faith-building exercises, the sense of community at camp was truly inspiring, and I came away with new skills, friendships, and memories.

The first week that I spent at camp was packed with many cultural activities, like creating beautiful, embroidered bookmarks and making pysanky. We also spent time doing fun riddles and talking about the meanings behind the five different parables of Jesus. We talked about The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Sower and the Seed, The Parable of the Prodigal Son, The Parable of the Good Samaritan, and The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Going through these Parables was truly a journey of spiritual growth and understanding for me. Before coming to camp, I didn't have much knowledge about Jesus' Parables and the messages that He was trying to get across to us.

But now I've learned so much about His Parables and the messages in them. I also had so much fun playing volleyball with my friends! The part of the first week that I enjoyed most was spending time at the beach and the campfire. Learning the campfire songs and going tubing were the highlights of my first week.

During the second week of camp, I had the opportunity to take on the role of a Councillor in Training (CIT), and I had a great experience! On the first day, I was nervous but excited about spending the week as a CIT. Throughout this week, I had many responsibilities, and I also learned some important values. It was really fun to bond with both the campers and the staff. I had a great time building relationships with the children and learning about all of their interests and traits. This experience reinforced the importance of patience, empathy, and active listening. Every interaction, whether it involved helping the campers settle into the camp life, mediating conflicts, or simply being a trustworthy friend, held significance. I enjoyed observing and helping the kids focus on learning about the Parables of Jesus, witnessing their curiosity and enthusiasm. My favourite day as a CIT was Friday, which was when there was a carnival planned for the campers. It was so fun to run carnival games and even play some carnival games after the campers were done! I am so grateful for the friendships made, the lessons learned, and the memories created. Overall, I had an incredible experience at Ukrainian Park Camp this year. It was such a great way to kick off my summer, and I am so excited for the next years to come!

Julia Luczak

Director's Note: This year we had 53 campers and 17 staff participate in Teen Camp and 56 campers and 27 staff participate in Children's Camp. We had representatives from 14 different parishes in within the Archeparchy and incredible support from clergy including 11 who made it out to Ukrainian Park.

This transformative experience would not be possible without our valued donors and sponsors. Special thanks this year goes to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba Provincial Council, The Wasyl Topolnicky Memorial Foundation, Access Credit Union, St. Anne's Parish, St. Basil's Parish, Holy Family Parish, St. Volodymyr and Olha Cathedral, the Knights of Columbus, and the Ukrainian Catholic Women's League for their generosity. Thank you to all who support this ministry and to all the participants who make it awesome!

Sophia Korban Camp Director

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