April 22, 2024

The 24th Annual Walk for Mary will be held on Sunday, May 26th, 2024 at Holy Eucharist Parish, Watt & Munroe. Join us in "Walking and Praying together for Peace in the entire world"

In a world often troubled by turmoil and conflict, there are those who seek solace and guidance in the simple act of walking and praying. One such initiative that has captured hearts and minds of our community is the Annual Walk for Mary. This event, held each year in our communities here in Winnipeg, is a profound expression of Christian Faith.

At the heart of the Annual Walk for Mary is a deep commitment to prayer, particularly for peace in the world and specifically for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Participants gather together in procession, to walk through the neighborhoods along designated route, all while lifting up their voices in prayer to Mary, the Mother of God.

The focus on Mary as the central figure of the walk is significant. Blessed Virgin Mary is revered as a symbol of compassion, intercession, and peace. By invoking her name and seeking her guidance, participants express their longing for a world where conflict gives way to peace where division yields to unity, and where fear is replaced by love.

One of the distinguishing features of the Annual Walk for Mary is its support for local radio station CKJS 810 AM, that broadcasts daily rosaries. For Holy Rosary every evening at 10:30 PM on your radio please click (HERE). This partnership not only amplifies the message of peace but also provides a continuous stream of spiritual support for participants and listeners alike. The soothing cadence of the rosary, coupled with the collective prayers of the faithful, serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of prayer.

The connection to Ukraine is particularly poignant. As the country continues to grapple with armed conflict, the prayers offered during the Annual Walk for Mary take on added significance. Participants pray not only for an end to violence but also for healing and a renewed sense of hope for the people of Ukraine.

In addition to its spiritual dimensions, the Annual Walk for Mary is also a tangible expression of community solidarity. Participants come from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared commitment to peace and a belief in the efficacy of prayer. As they walk together, they forge bonds of friendship and solidarity that transcend differences and affirm their common humanity.

As we prepare for another Annual Walk for Mary, we will carry within our hearts a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Though the challenges of achieving peace may seem daunting, we take comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone. United in prayer and solidarity, we continue to walk the path of peace, trusting in the intercession of Mary and the power of God to bring about a world where peace reigns forever.

Registration starts at 1:30 p.m. followed by the walk starting at 2:00 p.m. Pledge forms are available at: archeparchy.ca (under the events) and at all Parishes and Catholic Schools.

For more information call (204) 669-3666 or (204) 294-2276 or email: zenova@mymts.net.

For Radio Rosary on CKJS Marian Hour Centre, Box 235, 971 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3M 3S7

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